






2019-2024年就读于华中科技大学管理学院 管理学博士。



Ø  研究方向:智能产品人机交互、个人数字化、心理健康、消费者行为等。

Ø  参与国家自然科学基金项目三项,湖北省科技厅项目一项。

Ø  发表论文

[1] Fengjiao ZhangZhao Pan, Yaobin Lu. 2023. AIoT-Enabled Smart Surveillance for Personal Data Digitalization: Contextual Personalization-Privacy Paradox in Smart Home, Information & Management (60:2), p. 103736. (ESI高被引论文)

[2] Fengjiao Zhang, Hong Zhang, and Sumeet Gupta. 2022. Investor Participation in  Reward-Based Crowdfunding: Impacts of Entrepreneur Efforts, Platform Characteristics, and Perceived Value, Information Technology and Management (24:1), pp. 19-36.

[3] Hong Zhang, Shiqin Yuan, Fengjiao Zhang, Bing Wang and Xin Luo. 2024. A Systematic Literature Review on IT-enabled Value Co-creation: Toward an Integrative Framework, Computers in Human Behavior (152),p.108015.

[4] 张洪, 鲁耀斌, 张凤娇. 2021. 价值共创研究述评: 文献计量分析及知识体系构建, 科研管理 (42:12), pp. 88-99.

[5] Fengjiao ZhangZhao PanYaobin Lu, Qian Hu. 2022.The Dark Side of Artificial Autonomy: Formation and Mitigation of AI Technostress in Smart Voice Assistants (SVAs), Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2022 Proceedings. 182. (最佳论文提名)

[6] Bingli Luo, Fengjiao Zhang, Qian Hu, Kun Wang, Zhao Pan. 2023. Personality   Shapes Fortune? The Effects of Inferred Personality Traits on Psychological   Resilience, 中国系统工程学会信息系统工程专业委员会2023学术年会(CNAIS 2023